Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012, have fun!

This is going to be short, from my part.

I did start the year with my short commute. Yeah!! But it was just another nice commute to work, nothing to blog about. The ride home was better. Sandra came to pick me up and we rode and chatted for most of the way home, taking advantage of a generous tail-wind.

But I want to put something fetching here. Something we can watch and say:

Cycling is fun!

This video shows professional cyclist Michael Barry (Le Metier) doing just that. Enjoy it and make sure you have fun in 2012!



Groover said...

I promise I will make sure of that!

Will said...

nice, is that a target road for your Euro visit?

Barry used to live near (in Annemasse, France) here as a young pro .... and being Canadian I of course support him.

AMR said...

It would be "fun" but we are more into roads like Sustenpass, St Gotthard Pass and Furkpass, to mention a few... Surprised?

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