Monday, November 28, 2011

McAfees lookout in 17:55... and more good news!

The graph above simply tells me that I have been doing very little (and nothing in terms of training) in the last four weeks. The good-red line (form) showing that I did rest over this period but in the other hand, a nasty-blue line showing that my fitness dropped to the lowest level since March.

However, it is interesting what a bit of competition does to one's ride!

With unintentional insensitivity, Mt Nebo (710m elev gain) was chosen for the Sunday team ride. Add four extra kilograms to the topic (I am not going to elaborate on that because it could send me into a state of acute depression right now) and the last thing I wanted to do is to go on any road that has a gradient of 1% or more.

But, what else but the competition found in a balmy Sunday team ride would have helped me to do the 6.4 km climb to McAffees in 17 min 55 sec, or close to best this year in another words?

I did push a big gear to start and I almost blew up chasing a couple of guys and had to slow down because my heart rate reached 170+ bpm (I maxed at 180 bpm, an all time record for McAfees, but that was at the end). I also waited for a couple of mates because I thought it was a balmy team ride after all, and jokingly gave TW a bit of a push while trying to start a conversation on his new 404s...

Also, I had Sandra's Timeless bike, not mine, but I am not going to repeat myself here...

So, the time did impress me (not again!!) but, as a cyclist, it did bring the everlasting questions: Could I have done a better time? or What does it mean?

I think I could if I had the mental strength to keep hurting and I think I could gone faster if I was 65 kg... oops. It means the rides in Rio (all that big ring riding) made my legs a bit stronger. And it tells me that I am rested, a good thing before the training starts again.

Distance: 6.44
Time: 17:54
Elev gain: 294m
Avg Speed: 20.4 km/h
Av HR: 161 bpm

Some good news. My rest heart rate was 46 bpm this morning, the lowest in two years, or since I started using Maca as a supplement in my breakfast. It feels good to know, that's all.

And to finish this Monday morning post, I will add a link to Sandra's post where she reveals her new alpine challenge.

Very exciting times ahead - Tracking the Peloton times.

Have a great week!

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